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DIVEST! The Climate Movement on Tour ratings (Movie, 2016)

Rank 215,811 / 237,578
Trend 0
Genres Documentary
Total votes 21
Average rating 4.8 / 10

DIVEST! chronicles 350.org's 'Do the Math' bus tour across the United States in 2012 as it launched the fossil fuel divestment campaign onto the national and ultimately international stage. Each night Bill McKibben and special guests laid out the findings in his landmark Rolling Stone article 'Global Warming's Terrifying New Math' and made both the moral and historical case for divestment. Three years later over 500 institutions representing over 3 trillion dollars in assets have committed to divest. The campaign is winning, but with the clock ticking down the question remains: will the victories add up enough to matter?

History (tracking since March 7, 2020)
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